Organised Symposiums
Invited Talks
- 2019/10 Spädbarns rörelse och exekutiva förmågor. RFDM Meeting (Riksföreningen för diplomerade musikterapeuter). Katrineholm, Sweden.
- 2019/03 Spädbarns rörelse och tankeförmåga. FMS Nationell Konferens 2019 (Förbundet för musikterapi i Sverige). Gothenburg, Sweden
- 2018/10 Prospective motor control and executive functions in infancy. An embodied approach. Laboratory for Innovation in Autism, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK.
- 2018/03 Perception and action in development. Sport and Exercise Science Group, Teesside University, Middlesbrough Tees Valley, UK.
- 2017/04 Prospectively controlled reaching early in action development. Psychological Colloquium, Carl-von-Ossietzky University, Oldenburg, Germany.
- 2016/01 Early action planning. The microstructure of prospective motor control. Workshop Object Processing and Motor Development, Justus Liebig University, Gießen, Germany.
Talks at Conferences & External Meetings
- 2019/09 Set your plan in motion: Kinematic studies of multiple-step actions in infancy. Gemeinsame Tagung der Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie (PAEPSY 2019), Leipzig, Germany
- 2019/03 An embodied account of executive function development in infancy. 2019 Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, USA – abstract
- 2019/03 This feels like my hand! The contributions of posture and size to embodiment across development. 2019 Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, USA – abstract
- 2017/09 Prospective motor control in infancy. Gemeinsame Tagung der Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie (PAEPSY 2017), Münster, Germany – abstract
- 2017/07 Infants in action: The development of motor and cognitive control. 3rd NPN International Research Seminar, Lofoten, Norway.
- 2016/07 Infants in control: Prospective motor control and executive functions in action development. 2nd NPN International Research Seminar, St. Blasien, Germany.
- 2015/06 The microstructure of prospective motor control. Sensorimotor-Cognitive Couplings Group, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Movement Lab Meeting, Berlin, Germany.
- 2015/01 Infants’ prospective control during object manipulation. Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Budapest, Hungary.
- 2014/02 Action perception in infants and adults. Baby BRAIN Group Labmeeting, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
- 2011/09 Interoceptive sensitivity and regulation of emotion among bulimic patients. 13. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verhaltensmedizin und Verhaltensmodifikation, Luxembourg.
- Gottwald, J.M., Gredebäck, G., & Lindskog, M. (2019, August). Two-step actions in infancy. Workshop “Mapping the Self: Infants, Robots, and Modeling” at the 9th IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics 2019, Oslo, Norway – abstract
- Gottwald, J.M., Bird, L., Bremner, A.J., Cowie, D. (2018, September). The contribution of posture and size to embodiment in children and adults. Open Self Berlin 2018, Berlin, Germany.
- Gottwald, J.M., Keenaghan, S., Zampieri, E., Tosodduk, H., Bremner, A.J., Cowie, D. (2018, June). The contribution of posture to embodiment is adult-like from 6 years. The multifaceted body: Updates into Body Representation and Embodiment, Edinburgh, UK.
- Gottwald, J.M., De Bortoli Vizioli, A., Lindskog, M., Nyström, P., Ekberg, T. L., von Hofsten, C., & Gredebäck, G. (2016, May). What‘s next? Infants prospectively control their reaching movements based on the difficulty of their subsequent action. XX Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, New Orleans, Louisiana – poster copy
- Gottwald, J.M. & Gredebäck, G. (2015, March). Infants’ prospective control during object manipulation in an uncertain environment. 2015 Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Gottwald, J.M., Nyström, P., Ekberg, T. L., von Hofsten, C., & Gredebäck, G. (2015, September). What’s next? Infants Prospectively Control their Reaching Movements Depending on the Difficulty of their Subsequent Action. Action Development: From Infancy to Adulthood. International Symposium on Action Research, Nijmegen, The Netherlands – poster copy
- Gottwald, J.M., von Hofsten, C., & Gredebäck, G. (2014, July). Infants’ adaptation to object weight. 4th IMPRS NeuroCom Summer School, University College London, UK.
- Gottwald, J.M., von Hofsten, C., & Gredebäck, G. (2014, July). Infants’ adaptation to object weight. XIX Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, Berlin, Germany.
- Gottwald, J.M. & Pollatos, O. (2012, May). Alexithymie und experimentell induzierter Schmerz. 30. Symposium der Fachgruppe Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie der DGPs Fachgruppe Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, Luxembourg.