Annual Award to an Outstanding Young Researcher in Psychology

For my research on Embodied Cognition, I received the 2019 Annual Award to an Outstanding Young Researcher in Psychology (priset till yngre forskare i psykologi) from the National Swedish Committee for Psychological Sciences at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (Svenska nationalkommittén för psykologi vid Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien). This is a great honour and I am so very happy about it.

The motivation reads as follows:

“För att hon skickligt och kreativt introducerar en ny teoretisk ansats inom området förkroppsligad kognition genom att länka samman kognitiv och motorisk utveckling under tidig spädbarnsålder. Hon testar empiriskt hur exekutiva kontrollfunktioner utvecklas genom att förena kognitiv med motorisk kontroll. Därtill introducerar Dr Gottwald på ett elegant sätt ny metodik till fältet som utgör en väg framåt för att kunna studera barns utveckling. Dr Gottwald förkroppsligar därmed vad en skicklig forskare är och framstår som en i alla avseenden mycket värdig pristagare.”

English (my translation):

“Because she skilfully and creatively introduced a new theoretical approach in the field of Embodied Cognition by linking cognitive and motor development in early infancy. She empirically tests how executive functions are developing by combining cognitive and motor control. In addition, Dr. Gottwald elegantly introduces a new methodology to the the field, which represents an advancement in studying child development. Thus, Dr. Gottwald embodies what defines a skilled researcher. She appears to be a very worthy laureate in all respects.”

In association with the prize, I have the honour to organise a symposium with international experts in the field of Embodied Cognitive Science. This symposium will take place in the National History Museum in Stockholm on the 15th of October 2020. You can find more information about the symposium here.